Our Commitment To Privacy
Your privacy is very important to Getting Keys LLC. We want our customers to be treated they way we would want to be treated when it comes to protecting personal information. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining how we treat personal information that Getting Keys LLC collects and receives. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.

By entering this Site, you are providing information on a voluntary basis and agree to Getting Keys LLC collection and use of this information in accordance with this Policy.
Any external links to other websites are clearly identifiable as such, and we are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of these other websites.

The Information We Collect
In general you can view or visit Getting Keys LLC pages without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. On some of our web pages Clients can order products and make requests.

For purposes of this privacy policy, “personal information” means any information by which someone can be personally identified, including name, address, telephone number, email address, billing and account information, credit or debit card information, and other similar information. We collect personal information from you only when you voluntarily provide us with this information, such as when placing an order through the Site or establishing an account. While not personal information by itself, Getting Keys LLC also collects and retains information about purchases you make on the Site.. This information will be used for our business purposes only and our Policy will continue to cover information we may collect about you during the course of our relationship as well as after the relationship has ended.

The Way We Use Information
We use personal information collected on the Site for the specific purpose for which it was volunteered (for example, to purchase a product); to improve the content; appearance and utility of the Site, to understand your needs and preferences; to manage our business, administer accounts and collect and process payments; to detect and protect us against fraud or other illegal activities; and as permitted by, and to comply with, any legal or regulatory requirements.

Tracking and Cookies
Our web pages may utilize “cookies” and other tracking technology to enhance your online experiences and to learn about the way you use Getting Keys LLC services in order to improve the quality of Getting Keys LLC services. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.

Servers automatically record information when you visit our websites or use Getting Keys LLC products or services, accept our TOS, or submit content, including the URL, IP address, browser software, operating system types, clickstream patterns and the date and time.

Third Parties
We reserve the right to send you certain communications regarding Getting Keys LLC Services, and some third party services, related to your Getting Keys LLC Account, without offering you the opportunity to opt out. Further, we may also share your information with selected third parties who provide services to us, including to process payments, monitor Site activity, serve Site content, and help to maintain Site database. Such third parties may have access to, store and process your personal information to provide services on our behalf, which may occur in the United States or in countries outside of the United States. Our service providers are not authorized to use your information for any purpose other than to provide the contracted services. When we use third parties to assist us with your account services we require that they comply with our privacy policy and confidentiality and security measures.

Information Sharing
We may share information with third parties in limited circumstances including if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes or governmental requests, enforce the TOS, provide customer service, protect the rights, property or safety of users of the Site, Getting Keys LLC, or its affiliates or third parties and the public or to prevent, detect or otherwise address fraud, illegal activities, security or technical issues.

We do not share the personally identifiable information provided to us in ways unrelated to our services or as otherwise described above without also providing you with an opportunity for opt-in consent.

We may use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our website and to share with advertisers. For example, we may tell an advertiser that X number of individuals visited a certain area on our website, or that Y number of men and Z number of women filled out our registration form, but we do not disclose anything that could be used to identify those individuals.

Protecting your personal information is a priority for us. We use certain security measures to protect the personal information you submit to the Site. For example, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, an encryption tool, to protect the security of your online order information. We also use firewall technology, password controls and other technological and procedural safeguards in maintaining the Site. Although we have implemented the above security measures for the Site you should be aware that 100% security is not possible.

Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy
Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, Getting Keys LLC does not collect or maintain information form those we actually know are under 13, and no part of websites, products or services are structured to attract anyone under 13.

Accessing and Updating Personal Information
When contacting Getting Keys LLC we make a good faith effort to provide Clients with access to Clients personal information and either to update it or delete it, if it is not otherwise required to be retained by law or for legitimate business purpose. We ask individual users to identify themselves and the information to be accessed, updated or removed before processing such requests, and we may decline to process requests that are unreasonable, or require disproportionate technical effort.

How to Contact Us
Should you have any other questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy please email us at help[at]gettingkeys.com